Carrier is committed to the highest standards of compliance – in all places, at all times. Our policies represent our principles and align our efforts company-wide.
Carrier’s success depends upon ensuring that the actions of its directors, officers, employees and representatives all over the world are in full compliance with the letter and spirit of all applicable laws and regulations as well as Carrier’s Code of Ethics (the “Code”). The purpose of the Carrier’s Corporate Policy Manual (“CPM”) is to establish critical policies and procedures designed to help ensure such compliance. This policy sets forth the applicability, governance and procedures for issuance and revision of all policies contained in the CPM. This policy also defines frequently used terms.
file_download CPM 1: Governance & Definitions
At Carrier, we are committed to protecting what matters – our people, our stakeholders and the environment. We will create a world where every person is safe and comfortable by designing, sourcing, producing, marketing and delivering our products and services in a secure, environmentally conscious and socially responsible manner.
file_download CPM 2: Environment, Health and Safety Policy
Carrier will establish and maintain proactive product integrity programs to ensure the quality and safety of the products and services it provides. These programs, designed to prevent product and process defects, will assure that Carrier customers receive products and services that meet or exceed all stated requirements.
file_download CPM 3: Product Integrity
Carrier is committed to the highest standards of ethics and compliance. This commitment is reflected in our Code of Ethics (“Code”), which goes beyond what is required by the law and reflects our core values. The Code is the foundation for everything we do, driving us to act in a manner consistent with the highest standards of business ethics. In so doing, we promote both our products and values everywhere we do business, giving us a competitive advantage in the market place.
Carrier expects full compliance with our Code and all applicable laws and regulations, in all places, all of the time. Our commitment is manifest by this Policy, the Corporate Policy Manual, and our Financial Manual, which set forth our rules for governance in certain key compliance areas. We will proactively identify our legal and regulatory risks and requirements, create programs to comply with such requirements, develop systems and controls to better ensure compliance, use technology to manage and promote our programs, and educate people to ensure they know and understand what is expected of them, and how to behave in a manner consistent with all laws and our Code. Then, in a systematic manner, we will self-assess, audit, and verify compliance, while also driving continuous improvement.
file_download CPM 4: Global Ethics & Compliance Program
Each employee of Carrier, no matter what position he or she holds, is responsible to ensure Carrier's compliance with applicable antitrust laws (known in some countries as competition laws). These laws are designed to promote competition and protect consumers from unfair business arrangements and practices. Violations of antitrust laws can result in severe penalties and significant damage to the company’s reputation, including large fines and the loss of important contract, patent and license rights for Carrier as well as fines and jail sentences for individual employees. In addition to government suits, private parties can sue, and damage awards can be massive, as can the legal fees incurred to defend the suits.
file_download CPM 5: Antitrust Compliance Program
An absolute priority at Carrier is to provide a safe working environment for all of our employees and other stakeholders who work at or visit our facilities throughout the world. This policy and its supporting materials will help ensure Carrier remains faithful to this commitment.
file_download CPM 6: Physical & Electronic Security
Directors, officers and employees of Carrier must act solely in the best interests of Carrier and must avoid conduct and relationships where obligations to Carrier might be compromised.
file_download CPM 7: Conflicts of Interest
file_download CPSW 7A: Conflicts of Interest
Carrier shall compete for business and pursue other business objectives solely on the merits. No corrupt payment, in any amount or form, shall be authorized, offered, promised, or made by or on behalf of Carrier to anyone, anywhere, for any purpose. Carrier’s Books and Records shall accurately record all company assets, liabilities, and transactions. No deliberately false or misleading entry shall be made in company Books and Records, and no alternate set of Books and Records or unrecorded fund or asset shall be established. Carrier shall prevent its assets from being used for money laundering or terrorist financing. This absolute prohibition against corrupt payments, non-transparent books and records, and money laundering or terrorist financing will be broadly construed and strictly enforced.
file_download CPM 8: Anti-Corruption
file_download CPSW 8G: Anti-Money Laundering
Carrier is subject to a diverse and complex set of international trade laws and regulations governing the international movement of our products, technical data, software and services.
International trade laws include export controls, economic sanctions and embargoes, import controls, and U.S. antiboycott requirements that are used by national governments and supranational bodies throughout the world to safeguard national security, prevent proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, support foreign policy objectives, protect economic security interests, and ensure health, safety and other standards.
Carrier’s global scale means that international trade requirements touch virtually every aspect of our business activities. Beyond the significant civil and criminal penalties, failure to meet our obligations can harm governments’ national security or foreign policy interests, disrupt business initiatives, delay fulfillment of customer commitments, and damage Carrier’s reputation. Carrier is committed to conducting business in full compliance with all international trade laws and regulations.
file_download CPM 9: International Trade Compliance
Carrier invests significant resources annually to develop new products and services, develop cutting edge technologies and manufacturing processes, develop and market its brands, and maintain competitively sensitive information and data in confidence. All of these critical assets include Carrier Intellectual Property which is entitled to a number of legal protections including Patents, Trade Secrets, Copyrights, Trademarks/Service Marks, and Proprietary Information, all of which Carrier invests in significantly to enhance competitiveness across its business portfolio. This Policy and referenced Procedures describe how Carrier protects its Intellectual Property and what is expected of its employees.
file_download CPM 10: Intellectual Property & Data Protection
Carrier may donate funds, property, products, and services to reputable philanthropic organizations when provided openly and transparently for Philanthropic Purposes in approved focus areas. Donations that are unrelated to bona-fide Philanthropic Purposes, or that are offered or given in a concealed manner or to corruptly influence, are categorically prohibited because they are contrary to Carrier’s core values, misappropriate company resources, and expose Carrier to significant liability under anti-corruption and related laws.
file_download CPM 11: Philanthropic Donations.
Carrier engages in political activity and public policy advocacy on issues that impact Carrier’s business whether at the local, state or federal level in the United States or with foreign governments and international governmental organizations. Carrier believes that participating in the legislative and regulatory process helps protect customers, employees and businesses, and is an important part of responsible corporate citizenship.
file_download CPM 12: Government Relations
file_download CPSW 12A: Government Relations Procedures & Requirements
file_download CPSW 12B: Climate Change
The securities and exchange laws of the United States, U.S. states, and other jurisdictions are designed to promote informed decision-making by the investing public by requiring full and fair disclosure of information about securities and the companies that issue them. These laws also support transparent and efficient securities markets and public confidence in them by prohibiting certain deceptive and manipulative practices such as deliberately misleading, fraudulent, or selective disclosures, insider trading, and other misuses of material non-public information. As an ethical company and an issuer of securities, Carrier is fully committed to these goals. Carrier, its directors, officers, and employees shall therefore comply at all times with the letter and spirit of applicable securities and exchange laws as well as this policy and associated procedures and guidelines.
file_download CPM 13: Investor Relations and Securities Law Compliance
file_download CPM 13A: Safeguarding and Preventing Misuse of Material Non-Public Information
file_download CPSW 13B: Preventing Insider & Other Prohibited Securities Trade Practices
file_download CPSW 13C: Investor Relations & Preventing Selective Disclosures
file_download CPSW 13D: Ensuring Compliant Disclosure and Reporting to Investors
Carrier will retain records and data as needed to satisfy business needs and applicable laws and regulations. Carrier will maintain a database of current and historical records of certain corporate governance data as required to support Carrier’s compliance with applicable laws and its policies and procedures.
file_download CPM 14: Records Retention and Corporate Governance Data
Carrier will identify, understand, and appropriately manage the risks of its businesses.
file_download CPM 16: Enterprise Risk Management
This Carrier Engineering Policy documents provides clarification and instruction on a variety of key activities that enable engineering to deliver safe, reliable, and competitive products.
file_download CPM 17: Engineering
The purpose of this policy is to ensure compliance with all applicable laws related to financial reporting, disclosure and controls and maintenance of the Carrier Finance Manual which documents Carrier’s accounting and financial policies.
file_download CPM 18: Finance
This policy will serve as overarching guidance to the development of policies and practices focused on Carrier’s greatest asset, its employees.
file_download CPM 19: Human Resources
file_download HR-2: Non-Retaliation Policy - English
file_download HR-2: Non-Retaliation Policy - German
The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that Carrier enters into Commercial and U.S. Government sales contracts on terms and conditions with which it can comply and which appropriately mitigate legal and commercial risk.
file_download CPM 20: Commercial and U.S. Government Sales Contracts
This procurement policy (the “Policy”) intends to ensure that the goods and services Carrier procures are the product of transparent, objective, and cost-effective decision making and risk management governed by the principles articulated below.
file_download CPM 21: Procurement
Carrier respects the legitimate privacy interests of the people from whom it collects, processes, and/or transfers Personal Information, such as its directors, officers, employees, customers, and suppliers. Carrier will take appropriate steps to safeguard Personal Information under its control from unauthorized access, misuse, unauthorized disclosure, alteration, or unauthorized destruction. Personal Information will be disclosed only to Carrier employees, Service Providers, and Third Parties having a legitimate business need to know, as permitted by applicable law, and under appropriate legal and contractual restrictions. Any Carrier Operating Business that is a Covered Entity or a Business Associate will also comply with applicable requirements of the U. S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and associated regulations (“HIPAA”) with respect to Protected Health Information.
file_download CPM 24: Data Privacy
This Carrier Product Cybersecurity Policy documents and provides clarification and instruction on a variety of key practices and activities that enable Product and Service development teams to deliver safe, reliable, and competitive Products and Services in a cybersecure manner.
file_download CPM 25: Product Cybersecurity
The purpose of this policy is ensure manufacturing and logistics activities across Carrier adhere to certain established protocols and procedures which enable us to timely and efficiently deliver safe, high-quality products and services to our customers.
file_download CPM 26: Manufacturing & Logistics
CarrierFlight manages transportation of company directors, executives, and business guests via general aviation aircraft, whether owned or contracted by Carrier. Operation and use of such aircraft shall comply at all times with applicable laws and regulations, this Policy, and associated procedures and guidelines.
file_download CPM 27: CarrierFlight Operations
Respect for human rights is foundational to Carrier’s values and The Carrier Way. We respect and protect human rights and labor standards consistent with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (2011), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the International Labor Organization’s 1998 Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
file_download CPM 28: Human Rights