Carrier Sponsors World Cold Chain Symposium to Promote Action to Create a Sustainable Global Cold Chain
To help facilitate international visibility and discussion around creating a more sustainable cold chain to reduce food loss and waste, Carrier recently teamed up with the Global Food Cold Chain Council (GFCCC) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to host the 2022 World Cold Chain Symposium at the United Nations Conference Center in Bangkok, Thailand.
The year’s event, “Promoting the Sustainable Food Cold Chain: Pursuing the Action Agenda” featured perspectives from industry experts and thought leaders. The content aligned with Carrier’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) goals to reduce food waste and greenhouse gas emissions while increasing food security.
Tim White, President, Refrigeration, Carrier, opened the meeting with a speech highlighting Carrier’s integral role in preserving and protecting the world’s supply of food and in combating hunger and climate change. Jimmy Washington, Director, Sustainability & Cold Chain Development, Refrigeration, Carrier, moderated a session and also addressed the benefits of a more sustainable and connected cold chain.
Participating organizations included UNEP (OzonAction and the Cool Coalition), the Ozone Secretariat, the Multilateral Fund Secretariat, UN Food and Agriculture Organization, U.S. Department of State, National Ozone Units and governments of India and Vietnam, industry representatives from the GFCCC, the University of Birmingham, England and the World Refrigeration Day Secretariat.
Speakers shared details of innovative cold chain initiatives in Somalia, the Philippines, India, Rwanda, and Vietnam. A session on financing options for the food cold chain featured the World Bank, the Multilateral Fund and the Green Climate Fund.
The GFCCC is an independent not-for-profit industry organization that seeks to simultaneously reduce food waste and related greenhouse gas emissions in the processing, transportation, storage and retail display of cold food by expanding and improving access to energy efficient low-global warming potential technology. Carrier is a founding member of the GFCCC and takes an active role in its mission.