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Carrier Supports Red Cross to Assist Victims of Global Natural Disasters
Carrier is supporting the Red Cross as the organization provides necessary relief and assistance to victims of recent natural disasters around the globe.  
On Dec. 10, the United States experienced one of the deadliest tornado rampages in nearly a decade. Many socially vulnerable areas – from Arkansas to Illinois – were impacted with power outages and home displacements. On-the-ground, in-person outreach was critical to finding and assisting those most severely affected.  
Contributions from the Carrier Foundation to the Ready 365 Giving Circle Program of the American Red Cross helped train nearly 25,000 disaster workers and volunteers, sustain nearly 300 emergency response vehicles, provide shelter options and stock warehouses with necessary food and supplies.
Across the Atlantic in Belgium, the region of Wallonia experienced torrential rainfall and flooding, impacting the quality of tap water – leaving many without food or clean drinking water. Residents are gradually being reconnected to the gas pipes, enabling them to cook, dry their walls and warm their homes. Recently, Carrier volunteers worked alongside the Belgium Red Cross to distribute over 6,000 meals to people impacted by the heavy flooding.
Carrier volunteers worked alongside the Belgium Red Cross to distribute over 6,000 meals to people impacted by recent flooding in the region.  
As part of its 2030 Environmental, Social & Governance goals, Carrier supports organizations that are having a positive impact on society. In 2020, the company and the Carrier Foundation invested over $7 million in communities across the globe, through cash and in-kind donations. When a disaster strikes, Carrier’s support of the Red Cross helps to provide the tools and resources necessary to act swiftly and compassionately to help those in need.